
Showing posts with the label universe

Is the universe Infinite?

Space is really really big, the known universe is home to billions of galaxies each with 10x or 100x of billions of stars and each of those stars with planets of their own, maybe some of them even support life like Earth does. Beyond the known, the universe is the unknown universe, an expanse so vast and mysterious that we can't even begin to understand many of its properties.  How far does it reach?  Is there an end?  What's beyond the end? What if there's no end at all? We are going to assume that the universe is infinite and look at a few of the implications before we consider what the infinite universe would mean for our existence.  We need to understand how it could work in the first place?   At first glance, it would seem like an infinite, the universe would conflict with the Big Bang Theory, Before the Big Bang, all the matter of the universe was condensed in one, the infinitely dense point. After the Big Bang, the matter begins to spread apart or rather ...